One Mentor Changes Countless Lives

About us

Our mission is to empower the community to mentor youth throughout Miami County in partnership with existing organizations - creating a collective ripple effect of positive change!


We partner with multiple youth organizations to help find, train, and match quality mentors and volunteers. Our vision is to see every youth with an uplifting mentor. We also want to foster a community of volunteers that can come together and help support and encourage each other as they impact lives in our community.


Just like the age old saying, "it takes a village"; well in caring for our youth, it truly does!



Resources shouldn't be a problem, especially when it comes to people. That's where we come in! We want to see all Youth facing organizations in Miami County have the volunteers they need! Click below to see the organizations we work with to plugin Mentors and Volunteers.

If you are looking to become one of our partner organizations, then you have come to the right place! Click below for a short form. Let us assure you the process is quick and easy as we understand that you are doing good things for youth in the community and need to focus on that!


Want more information or have questions? Fill out the form below!

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How did you find us? *
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